
Food & Drink

The food and drink industry is undeniably a profitable and burgeoning sector globally, encompassing a diverse array of businesses from restaurants and cafes to food manufacturing and catering services.

However, it's crucial to acknowledge and address the significant disparities that exist for Black communities within this industry.


These disparities include:

1. Limited Access to Healthy Food
2. Cultural Relevance & Diversity
3. Health Education & Nutritional Awareness
4. Agricultural Innovation & Supporting Local Farmers


in revenue in 2021 in the UK


in revenue in 2021 in the US


in turnover by 2028 in South Africa alone


Limited Access to Healthy Food

Many Black communities reside in food deserts, where access to fresh and nutritious food is scarce.

The food industry has a pivotal role to play in addressing these disparities by actively supporting local markets and providing affordable, healthy options to these underserved areas.


Cultural Relevance & Diversity

Recognising and celebrating the rich culinary traditions within Black communities is imperative. By promoting inclusivity and diversity, the food industry can offer a wide range of culturally relevant options, both in terms of menu offerings and ownership and leadership positions.

This not only fosters a sense of belonging but also leads to the development of products and services that better cater to the needs and preferences of Black communities and enrich society at large.


Health Education & Nutritional Awareness

The food industry can contribute to educational initiatives aimed at raising awareness about nutrition and healthy eating practices within Black communities.

By acknowledging and promoting the nutritional value of traditional diets, the industry can help combat the often white-washed dietary recommendations that currently prevail.


Agricultural Innovation & Supporting Local Farmers

Recognising and celebrating the rich culinary traditions within Black communities is imperative. By promoting inclusivity and diversity, the food industry can offer a wide range of culturally relevant options, both in terms of menu offerings and ownership and leadership positions.

This not only fosters a sense of belonging but also leads to the development of products and services that better cater to the needs and preferences of Black communities and enrich society at large.


Investing in wellbeing

By actively addressing these disparities and implementing inclusive and equitable practices, the food and drink industry can not only bolster its profitability but also contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of Black communities worldwide,

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